It is not about controlling the mind, it is about not letting the mind control you.

It is not about controlling the mind, it is about not letting the mind control you.

My Journey

My journey to this moment has been an intricate exploration of the human mind, brain and spirit, a voyage that has demanded a profound understanding of mental and emotional states leading to performance optimization.

From the earliest chapters of my life, losing my mother at a very young age, I found myself navigating the turbulent waters of mental and emotional turmoil, shaped by experiences that tested the very core of my being. In those moments of solitude, I grappled with the complex nuances of the human psyche, seeking solace amidst the chaos.

"I suppose this is my reality," I once resigned myself to this, so much that I was convinced that my inner struggles were immutable. Yet, within that resignation lay the seed of transformation—a seed that grew into an unwavering commitment to unlocking the boundless potential of the human mind. 

With each step forward, which was not a linear path, I invested not only time and resources but also a piece of my soul, driven by determination to keep accessing growth. I discovered the workings of the brain and how it was the foundation of the mind - with the curiosity of energy in the body that took lead into both.

I accessed my true internal freedom, I could finally mentally breathe again.

Now each day, I remind myself that I am my most powerful tool. Armed with my truth and wisdom from my own journey, creating resilience and empowerment. Ready to guide others in their own journey, unlocking their inner critic to take their power back.

For me, the work of mindstate and mental performance psychology is not merely a profession—it is a calling, to support others in their own true transformation, with a deep and profound lasting change. 

Reminding people, they are their own mentor and it is time to unlock that!

Kate merged from a vision to create a world where mental wellness is prioritized, and every individual has the tools to navigate their mindstate journey with confidence and purpose. She is a seasoned mentor with a rich tapestry of personal and professional experiences, her approach blends psychology, hypnotherapy, breathwork, and holistic nutrition into a powerful formula for success, health, happiness and fulfilment.

From working with Olympic athletes, tactical-group military personnel, doctors, surgeons, CEO's and Directors through to mums, dads, up and coming entrepreneurs, and one of her most favourites - Everyday people!

Her methods have been tested and trusted in the most high-pressure environments imaginable. But at the core of her success are the stories of transformation—individuals from all walks of life who have broken through barriers to lead lives of fulfillment and purpose.


Client Success Stories:

Hear from those who have walked the path with Kate and emerged transformed. These testimonials are not just stories; they are beacons of possibility, demonstrating the profound impact of her mindstate mentoring on individuals ready to embrace their potential.

I have met Kate many times through my life, in different stages of our personal and professional journeys & each time I have been fortunate enough to have her in my circle of influence she has changed my life. After 10 years in my most recent startup, I found myself getting lost in the chaos.... Young family and limitless work fighting for my attention; the guilt of getting that tradeoff wrong on what felt like, a daily basis, was slowly killing me. I was desperate for a way to clarity and a way out of the chaos... but didn't know how to get there.

I love working with Kate because she gives me permission to be really honest with myself and cut through the crap. She gives me the courage to have hard conversations with the internal voice & helps me articulate and find words for what is going on and why. She has helped me understand that mental wellness (for me) starts physically, and this has had a profound impact on how i feel about me, the relationships I have with my loved ones and how I can be more effective at work and help my team be successful.

She has such a rounded level of expertise. It makes her so unique to be able to connect whats happening physically to how that impacts me mentally and ultimately whatever my reality is that I create...

On top of all of this. She's a wonderful, kind, gentle, inspirational, incredible human that I just adore chatting to. She makes tough stuff, fun... For me, there's no positive outcome, dedication or committment when I can't have a laugh along the way. So for that, I feel extremely fortunate.

Simon Grieve

Uneeq SVP Customer Success

Since engaging Kate on our team has experienced a remarkable positive shift in both individual and collective well-being. The personalized approach to mental performance optimization has not only enhanced our team's productivity but has also fostered a healthier and more collaborative work environment.

Kate brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, coupled with an innate ability to connect with each team member on a personal level. Through tailored coaching sessions, Kate has provided us with practical tools and strategies to manage stress, improve focus, and cultivate a resilient mindset and assist with their health and nutrition. The results have been nothing short of transformative, with team members reporting increased job satisfaction and a heightened sense of purpose.

What sets Kate apart is her genuine commitment to the well-being of our team. The ongoing support, encouragement, and motivation she provides extend beyond the coaching sessions, creating a lasting impact on our overall mental wellness. Her dedication to fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture aligns seamlessly with our company values.
Kates expertise is a valuable investment that pays dividends not only in productivity but also in the overall happiness and satisfaction of your team members.

Phill Bull

Founder / Executive Director


Kate has the unique ability to listen with empathy, whilst not 'sugar-coating' the reality of a situation. She has provided me with many invaluable tools and behavioural prompts over our years of working together that have allowed me to cultivate peace and stillness in times of chaos, and this has assisted me in making many life changes and big decisions.

Kate brings a sense of lightness, understanding and clarity to all of our sessions that I had not experienced before with other mentors or therapists. I am grateful for Kate's input into the last few years, and I look forward to achieving many more amazing milestones with her support.

Jessie McPhee
IFBB Pro Figure Athlete

Body image, childhood trauma, self worth, relationships, communication, resentment...You name it, Kate has helped me break through it!

Some big things that have significantly changed for me is that I have let go of past trauma & no longer let it define me, I have learnt to love myself wholeheartedly & am confident in who I am, my communication with my partner has improved & I truly believe I am worthy of being loved, I have built a positive relationship with food & I now live my life through happiness & freedom.

Kate has literally changed my life! I felt like a lost soul in more ways than one & now I feel like I have actually started living again. Kate gives you the tools and secrets to help lift that big weight off your shoulders, whatever it may be.

No matter how many demons you’re battling or if you need a touch of guidance in your everyday life, Kate is your person! Her knowledge, passion, guidance and empathy creates this trust to open up and be vulnerable and work on becoming the best version of you!

Gemma Goodhew

Gym Manager


I have worked with Kate for over 2 years with nutrition and mind-state work for the athlete field and also personal field.

Kate's intuitive coaching on how to bring out the best in me, in whatever way is needed, has fuelled my sporting performance but also the quality of my mental health.

I have better relationships, more clarity in my career, less anxiety and I have amazing tools to live lighter and thrive in whatever I am doing.

Leading into the 2020 Tokyo Olympics I worked with Kate closely on staying focused and holistically bringing the best version of myself into competition, it was some of the most powerful work we had done together. I am so grateful to have had Kates guidance."

Megan Signal
Athlete/Gym Owner & Coach



I have worked with Kate for several years and her support, knowledge and her personalised way of working with me has been the best! A balance of nutrition and mindstate work has really allowed me to enhance not just who I am as an athlete but better me as a person. So grateful to her!

Joelene Neville
Athlete and Personal trainer


When I started with Kate - like many others, I thought she would help me with an eating plan that would finally achieve the weight loss that I wanted for so long. What I got was so much more.

Kate's unique way of working allowed me to understand that my obsession with weight loss came from a severe case of self loathing, low self worth and past trauma.

Within 3 months I had lost and maintained over the Christmas period a total of 10kgs, not through dieting, but through fueling and loving my body. That was awesome, but the real success was in the change of my relationship with food and especially with myself.

Kate has brought me to the realization that my success is my own, my formula is my own and most importantly that I am worthy to be where I am at and for what is going to find me. It’s so damn exciting, I sometimes can’t help but randomly smile to myself

Kelly Ratana
Environmental Researcher


I do both one-on-one work with Kate to work on my nutrition and mind-state perspective, I also  use her Mind Method app 

I began working with Kate when I was feeling a little lost in the world, originally wanting some guidance around nutrition. She has taken me on a journey the past year or so that has ultimately allowed me to create a life that is so much better than where I started.

I work in what can be a stressful job and have always set very high expectations for myself in all aspects of life. Kate has taught me how to ride the ups and downs of life. I have learnt why I am the way I am, how to better handle stressful situations and accept the past. No matter how little or ridiculous the issue was, Kate hunts down the root cause.

 She never just tells you what the problem is but guides you there, which allows you to accept what is happening and teaches you how to recognise it and change it. It's hard to put into words just how much of a positive impact Kate has had on me

Christina Sunderland


My journey over the past 6 years with Kate has helped me reach heights and achieve milestones I would otherwise have never seen. Her guidance and tools have not only assisted my physical strength but also sharpened my mental resilience, confidence and self-awareness. Each session we have together feels like a personalised roadmap to help me unlock my peak performance potential. I am so grateful for her expertise and unwavering support.

Bailey Rogers
Athlete and Nutrition Coach


I live my life racing against a stop watch, where a millisecond is the difference between winning/losing, crashing/saving, being a champion/being just another competitor.

Motorsport, like most sports is filled with extremely high, highs. However more commonly, fairly low, lows.

I’ve been working with Kate for 6 years, firstly Kate took on the role of being my personal trainer & nutritionist, however more recently, Kate has been my mind-state coach.

Kate has helped me through some major hurdles in my career, including the come down after breaking my back in my sport. She has provided me with the mental skills & tools to enable me to exceed my own expectations in competition & life.

If it weren’t for Kate, I truly don’t think I would be where I am today, competing at the top of NZ for a well renowned American Team.

Chelsea Herbert
Professional Race Car Driver


Weightlifting seems like a very physical sport but in reality it’s all about mindset, if you don’t truly believe you can lift a weight it won’t happen. Working with Kate in my lead up to the Tokyo Olympics was incredibly powerful and it enabled me to overcome some mental barriers I had. I left our sessions with an incredible inner confidence that has contributed to my ongoing success in the sport of weightlifting but also in day to day life as a business owner.

Cam McTaggart 
Professional Athlete


A Legacy of Success and Happiness

These stories are just a glimpse of the many lives touched by the transformative power of Kate Irvine Mentoring. Each individual's journey is a reflection of our core values: Confidentiality, Trust, Empowerment, Commitment, Value, Fun, and Life-Changing impact. We are dedicated to guiding each client toward realizing their full potential, ensuring that every step of the journey is enjoyable, respectful, and profoundly impactful.

Whether you're facing personal challenges, seeking career advancement, or looking to navigate life's transitions with confidence, Kate Irvine Mentoring is here to support your journey towards a life that resonates with your deepest values and aspirations.

Ready to write your own success story?