The Mind Method Membership

with Kate Irvine

Unlock Peak Mental Performance:

Accessible Membership for Ultimate Wellness!

Access to exclusive content for your needs, including Masterclasses on self-belief, removing negative emotions, and improving mental performance.

Guided meditations for sleep, anxiety, mental performance, motivation, gratitude, and releasing self-doubt, designed to enhance overall well-being and so much more!

Short, sharp reminders lasting less than 7 minutes, focusing on self-belief, removing negative emotions, & improving mental performance for quick boosts throughout the day.

Full macro-counted delicious healthy recipes, ensuring members have access to nutritious meals that support your wellness goals

Wellness articles exploring how the mind and brain support the body, providing insights into the interconnectedness of mental and physical health.

Unlock the Ultimate Support:

With a coach in your back pocket around the clock,
you'll save $361 per week compared to traditional 1:1 mentoring sessions.

Just $7 Per Week!


Picture this:

Waking up every morning feeling unstoppable, energised, grounded and smiling internally with radiating confidence in every aspect of your life and having Mindset tools ready to use for anything that comes your way.... That is the vision I am committed and obsessed with helping YOU turn into your reality.

I am living proof of it!

Do you ever find yourself holding back from opportunities because of self-doubt? Fully know morning routine is ideal but don't know how? Want to know how to have strong self belief in moments of emotional struggle? Imagine a life where confidence is your superpower. That's what I'm here to help you achieve

In a world that constantly challenges our confidence and wellness, finding inner strength can feel like an uphill battle. But what if I told you it's not only possible but entirely within your reach

Growing up, I never imagined I'd become a Mindstate mentor specializing in confidence and wellness, mental performance, helping people unpack life long trauma and setting them on the path of ultimate confidence. It took hitting rock bottom and rebuilding myself from scratch to realize the incredible power we hold within to transform our lives.

I lost everything. I pushed everyone away who cared. I destroyed my life until there was barely any part of me left...Other than my mind.
Fast forward today and I run a successful 6 figure business, I get to wake up everyday and help people transform their lives through their mind. I get to take amazing holidays, surf, train, yoga and have an amazing I work with in a life of pure internal freedom!! I am living my dream!

I had zero confidence, zero self belief and the lowest self worth one could imagine.

"The moment you decide to no longer think the same way, act the same way, or live by the same emotions, it's going to feel uncomfortable. And the moment you feel uncomfortable, you just step into the river of change."

Your personality creates your personal reality. Your personality is made up of how you act, how you think and how you feel. When you really tap into that the life of your dreams, is no longer a dream! 


Join Us Today and Invest in Your Transformation!

  • Access to exclusive content and master classes
  • Guided meditations for sleep, anxiety, and more
  • Exclusive short reminders
  • Basic recipe selection

Join our community today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you!

  • Access to exclusive content and master classes
  • Guided meditations for sleep, anxiety, and more
  • Exclusive short reminders
  • Basic recipe selection

Join our community today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you!